


Build a GNAT in 30 seconds (GO/NO-GO Association Task) Fully Customizable
Build a GNAT in 30 seconds (GO/NO-GO Association Task) step 1


In this tutorial we will be adding a Go/No-go Association Task to a Psychexp project.

Let us begin by firstly logging in to psychexp and then select "Add New Project" from the menu.

Enter a project name and click submit. (We will call our project "PROJECT 1")


You will be returned to the dashboard, so then find the project you just created in the project list and click "Open".

Build a GNAT in 30 seconds (GO/NO-GO Association Task) step 2
Build a GNAT in 30 seconds (GO/NO-GO Association Task) step 3


You are now on the project home page, so click on the "Edit Project" button from the side menu.


When you first create a project in Psychexp a block with one single choice question is inserted by default.

We are going to add the Go/No-go Association Task below this default block by simply clicking the "ADD EXPERIMENT" button and selecting "GNAT" (Go/No-go Association Task) from the list that is displayed.

Build a GNAT in 30 seconds (GO/NO-GO Association Task) step 4
Build a GNAT in 30 seconds (GO/NO-GO Association Task) step 5


A fully functional Go/No-go Association Task has now been inserted.

Let's take a look at the structure of the default experiment, and then see how you can customize it to make it your own.

The entire experiment is housed inside of a single block named "Default Block". You can change the name of the block by clicking on the edit (pencil) icon next to the block name.

Next you will see two text only information pages that are shown to the participant before the experiment begins. These pages are fully customizable by clicking the edit (pencil) icon. You can also add extra pages by clicking the "Add Text Only Page" Button.

Following the information pages there are 4 categories (Bugs, Bugs_background, good and bad). You can change these categories by clicking the edit (pencil) icon next to the category name.

The default experiment has 12 stimulus in each category, and you can either change these stimulus by clicking the edit (pencil) icon or you can add more stimulus (text or image) to a category by clicking the "Add Stimulus" button in each category.


Now we will look at the flow of the Go/No-go Association Task. The flow comprises of Flow blocks, sub-flow blocks and trial groups. The block and sub-flow blocks are used to categorize the randomization of the trial groups. By clicking on the flow block or sub flow block settings (cog) icon you can turn on or turn of the randomization for that item.

You can add as many blocks or sub-flow blocks as you wish to create your desired experiment.

You can also add as many trial groups as you would like to each sub-flow block.

Each trial group determines the combination of stimulus to be shown.

If you click on the trial group settings (cog) icon you can set whether the trial group is a test or practice group and also the length of time the stimulus in the trial group will be displayed on the screen.

The two drop down menus represent the categories that will be shown at the top left and right side of the screen.

A list of what stimulus will be shown in the trial group is shown below and you can add more stimulus from other groups by clicking the “add Stimulus Button”. Clicking on the settings (cog) icon allows you to change the number of stimulus and the group from which they will be selected.

In between each trial group messages to the respondent are automatically inserted in accordance with the flow of the Go/No-go Association Task. For example, in trial group 3 the stimulus are each shown for 1000 milliseconds, but in trial group 4 the stimulus are shown for only 750 milliseconds, so a message stating that “The next set of blocks is faster than the last” will be shown.

After you have made changes to the default experiment, you can see a live preview of the experiment by clicking the "Preview" button at the bottom of the page. You can preview the project as many times as you want. The preview screens are identical to the screens your participants will see when you distribute your project, however the data from a preview is not saved in the dataset.

Build a GNAT in 30 seconds (GO/NO-GO Association Task) step 6
Build a GNAT in 30 seconds (GO/NO-GO Association Task) step 7


By clicking on the experiment block settings (cog) icon, you can make changes to the following settings of the experiment;

  • Image Stimulus height
  • Text stimulus font size
  • Text stimulus font color
  • Experiment background color
  • Interstimulus interval (ms)
  • Feedback interval (ms)
  • Display result page to participant


Once you are happy with the design of your experiment you can then adjust the flow of your entire project by editing or deleting the default survey question block that was inserted when you initially made the project. You can also add more survey question blocks or even other experiment blocks under your current experiment by simply clicking on the "ADD BLOCK" or "ADD EXPERIMENT" buttons at the bottom of the page. The combination of experiments and survey questions that you can achieve is only limited by your own imagination!

PRO TIP: Changing the order of the flow of survey question blocks and experiment blocks in your project is as easy as using the up and down arrow buttons that can be found at the top of each survey question or experiment block.

Before distributing your project to your participants be sure to adjust the project settings by clicking on "Project Settings" in the menu.

These are just a few of the many settings you can adjust:

  • Single or multiple time project participation
  • Require email registration
  • Set start and finish dates for participation
  • Record geolocation
  • Registration page logo
Build a GNAT in 30 seconds (GO/NO-GO Association Task) step 8
Build a GNAT in 30 seconds (GO/NO-GO Association Task) step 9


When you are ready to distribute your project to your participants, click on "QR code" in the menu to get the URL link or QR code for this project.

PRO TIP: Once a participant has responded to your survey or experiment, you are no longer able to make changes to the project in the "Edit Project" screen. Use the project "PREVIEW" button extensively to check your project prior to distributing it to any participants.

To view the data collected from your participants, click on "Dataset" in the menu.

The dataset will be downloaded in excel format.

For a more detailed explanation and a preview of the default experiment, check out the video tutorial.

Psychexp Video Tutorial: Build a GNAT in 30 seconds (GO/NO-GO Association Task)
The default procedure for the GNAT (Go/No-go association task) refers to the following paper. However, partial changes have been made to the experimental procedures and stimulus words: Nosek, B. A., & Banaji, M. R. (2001). The go/no-go association task. Social Cognition, 19(6), 625-666.